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Scientifically Proven Products for Pets & Equine

The Results Are In! After five years of intense research at leading U.S. based Universities, EVS products are now scientifically proven to improve mobility and joint health.

All palatability research concluded that pets and horses overwhelmingly love the EVS proprietary products. Pet and equine owners alike love giving these products to their four legged friends as they are tasty and easy to deliver.

The guesswork is over! The veterinarian community can now confidently recommend EVS daily mobility chews and soft bits to their clientele using clear daily usage guidelines with little to no contraindications. The EVS membership sign up is easy and recommends products based on your pet's size, preferences and restrictions.

EVS is now as a member of the NASC, the highest certification within the industry.

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Check out our full line of Scientifically Proven products

  • Freeze Dried Hard Chews
  • Freeze Dried Soft Bits
  • Freeze Dried Soft Bits for Cats